Cory Thomas

Photo of Cory Thomas, City Manager
City Manager
Phone Number
(229) 758-1011

Cory Thomas is the City Manager for the City of Colquitt, which is located in the Heart of Southwest Georgia.  Cory serves as the Chief Administrative Officer for the City and has served in that role for the past 18 years. Cory is a lifelong resident of Colquitt and prior to working for the City, was a Regional Economic Developer and worked in the private and banking sectors.

During his tenure, Cory has been instrumental in securing approximately $20 million in grant funding for the community for infrastructure and capital projects.  The City, under his leadership, constructed a new City Hall Municipal Complex, renovated the Historic Colquitt State Theater, and purchased and operates a municipal golf course.

He holds an MBA from Troy University and BBA in Management from Valdosta State University. In addition, he is a Credentialed Manager through the International City-County Management Association (ICMA), Certified Emergency Manager from the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM), Georgia Certified Emergency Manager, and received national certification as a Certified Public Manager through the University of Georgia’s Carl Vinson Institute. 

Cory has taught multiple online and classroom courses in both Business Management and Public Administration for several colleges and universities. He is on the board of directors for several community organizations and also serves as Pastor of Flat Creek Baptist Church in Colquitt. Cory is married and has two children.